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You And Your Health - Drink The Best Drink In The World - WATER!

Like seriously, do you know that water is really good for you?

The human body is made up of 60% water, give or take. So, in order to keep all our organs in working order, water is key.

Water has zero calories, so you will never feel guilty for drinking too much of it. 

Water increases energy levels, creates an improved mood and clearer thinking. 

Having the required amount of water in our bodies can hydrate our skin. Yes, drinking enough water can help you look your best. Remember that the skin is the body’s largest organ, so imagine what happens when it is hydrated, you guess right, your skin will glow, it will look and feel more healthy.

Not getting the proper amount of hydration in your system,  will negatively affect your brain function, endurance levels, concentration level. Which will also affect your physical performance. 

Water must be a part of your exercise routine! When exposed to high temperatures that cause your body to sweat make sure you are drinking enough water.

You want to know how much water you should be drinking? Fluid consumption requirements are actually based on a few different factors such as:

1. Weight.

2. Where you live (the atmospheric temperature).

3. How healthy you are. 

However, for the average healthy adult who lives in a temperate climate, the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine have determined that men should consume about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluid per day and women should consume 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) per day. 

Surprisingly, this recommendation includes fluid from not only liquids, but food as well. Did you know about 20% of your daily fluid intake usually comes from food?

You have probably heard about the whole ‘drink 8 glasses a day thing before, which is a good way to remember how much to drink. However, everyone is different and requires different amounts of fluid to feel hydrated. Start at 8 glasses if that is easier to remember and then adjust based on how you feel.

The body is incredibly good at maintaining its water balance and it urges people to drink more by making them thirsty. 

Reference: Medical News Today; MYSA Beauty & Wellbeing Journal.


  1. Absolutely correct.
    Water is life and greatest thirst quencher. The health benefits can't be overemphasized enough. Drink water and glow. Drink water and live. Drink water and be healthy.

  2. Water is good!!!! Water is life!!! Without water oxygenated blood won't pump!!! I love water!!!

  3. The early morning water is the best medicine!!!

  4. Beautiful write up!
    Water is indeed life!
    Echo blog be making us proud!


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