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Professor Isa Odidi, Lead Nigerians From The Diaspora, Calls On Atiku Abubakar To Fix Nigeria

On Tuesday, 22 March 2022, Nigerians from the diaspora in a clarion call for a 'FIX' Nigeria, called on His Excellency Atiku Abubakar to join the race for the candidacy for the President of Nigeria under the People's Democratic Party (PDP).

                     Nigerians from Diaspora 

They came out en mass to support the Atiku Abubakar Presidential bid. There was massive turn out of the crème de la crème.

The Nigerians from the diaspora were led by Professor Isa Odidi, the erudite pharmacist, celebrated scientist, distinguished innovator, first-rate technocrat, tireless researcher and consummate entrepreneur.

A cross-section of the Nigerians from Diaspora with his Excellency, Atiku Abubakar.

They gave their unequivocal support to Atiku Abubakar, stating his wealth of experience in Politicking and his remarkable achievements over the years, especially his years as the Vice President of Nigeria. 

They reiterated that his tenor in office as Vice President, with the former President Olusegun Obasanjo, yielded positive growth in the overall performance of the economy.

They called on the PDP to grant him an automatic ticket.

 Professor Isa Odidi and His Excellency Atiku Abubakar

The former Vice President in his remark thanked the 'diasporans' and said that, "while he agrees with all they have said. PDP believes in democracy and fair play and it is left for the party to decide who becomes its presidential flag bearer".

Video, Nigerians from Diaspora chant their support for His Excellency Atiku Abubakar.

The Nigerians from the diaspora were relentless in their call and stood by their Atiku 'FIX' Nigeria mantra.

Please see, a tweet from his Excellency Atiku Abubakar's handle below.

Acknowledging the visit of Professor Isa Odidi and his counterparts from the diaspora.




  1. Atiku is the man of the moment. The coming election is very crucial to the unity, peace & security and prosperity of our nation. Atiku is a man of experience, bridge builder and consummate politician to fix Nigeria. Politics is about winning votes and Atiku is the one that can win votes across Nigeria for PDP

  2. This is applaudable👏👏
    Well done to Prof. Isa Odidi and all the Nigerians in the Diaspora for supporting a good cause.

  3. May the Lord finish what he has started!!! His intention for Nigeria is genuine and crystal clear. Ride on we are behind you.
    Well done to all diasporas for putting up a remarkable event!!!

  4. Nice one Prof Isa Odidi for taking this bold step but I'm still skeptical about this.

  5. We pray for a better Nigeria.

  6. Well, Atiku and Obasanjo did better in governance when compared to the present regime. However, a lot more still need to be done. Nigerians are hardworking people, they deserve some peace of mind. Nigerians want a leader with empathy for the people. All those interested in the Presidential seat should please take note of this.

  7. We welcome whoever that is God fearing and ready to help make Nigeria better.

  8. Stella Okechukwu24 March 2022 at 05:55

    Professor Isa Odidi is a man driven by excellence. He has made his mark in the pharmaceutical industry.

  9. With Atiku experience, I believe Nigeria will be great again


  10. Professor Isah Odidi has taken a good course in supporting Atiku. With Atiku in PDP, Nigeria will experience speedy development and sustainable development.


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