Image Credit, Psychology Today
- Never hurt or betray the good people in your life. Good people are hard to find, If you mess up, the loss is yours.
- Never let people discourage you from your dreams or purpose in life. Don't ever let other people put their fears on you.
- Never settle for anything or anyone that does not have your best interest at heart, or does not truly love you. The one thing you should never settle for, or compromise on, is"love".
- Image Credit: Echoblog
- Never forget how important you are, how special, how perfect and worthy. You are a beautiful child of God.
- Never treat anyone better than you would treat yourself. No one is above you. and no one is below you, But everyone has the responsibility of taking care of and managing their own life. Self care is not a luxury, but a necessity.
- Never forget to give. Give of yourself, give of your time, give your love. There are so many lives who could be changed by your goodness.
Credit: By Hafiz Suboor on Quora
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