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Showing posts from July, 2023

A Must Read! Fuel Subsidy, A Small Set Of Powerful Nigerians Controlled Our Economy – President Bola Ahmed Tinubu

President Bola Tinubu on Monday during a nationwide broadcast maintained that the fuel subsidy had to go. The President added that the once useful measure had outlived its usefulness and has cost Nigeria trillions of naira yearly.                   President Bola Ahmed Tinubu Tinubu, said that the wealth of Nigerians was given out to a handful of people through fuel subsidy, for several years and multiple exchange rates before he came on board. The President further highlighted that, "Such a vast sum of money would have been better spent on public transportation, healthcare, schools, housing and even national security. Instead, it was being funnelled into the deep pockets and lavish bank accounts of a select group of individuals. "This group had amassed so much wealth and power that they became a serious threat to the fairness of our economy and the integrity of our democratic governance. "To be blunt, Nigeria could never become the society it was intended to be as long

N500/liter to N617/litre - The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, Rejects Another Increase In Pump Price Of Fuel

Joe Ajaero, President of NLC NLC, in a statement by its President, Joe Ajaero, said; “We woke up this morning (Tuesday) to the news that NNPCL has increased the pump price of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) from the hitherto draconian N500/liter to N617/litre. “This is despite the suffering and hardship that Nigerians have had to go through as a result of the original hike on May 29, as part of President Tinubu’s inaugural gift to Nigerians. “An 18 percent increase in the price of fuel at this time of great difficulties for our people is sadistic and totally unacceptable. "The NLC considers this most insensitive and horrendous and smirks of a triumphalism by this government against the masses of this country. “It looks like a feeling by those in government that the people have become a conquered people that they can treat anyhow they like without repercussions and this demonstrates why it has taken pleasure in inflicting more and more pains and sorrow on the people “We strongly condemn